This is Money | Companies & markets

Saturday, December 13, 2008

To become a self-made millionaire, without the big score or a grand inheritance, you will likely have to do it the hard way like most people in this class. If you are truly focused and determined to become a millionaire, you are far more likely not to succeed if you are unable to identify that element that pushes you through the pain. It is essential to dig down and find that “why” factor.

The reason behind your drive should be so strong that it makes you compulsive about becoming wealthy. Your “why” should establish your habits, attitudes and beliefs of money and wealth. It will invariably define who you are as a person.

Once you figure out the real reason you want to be rich, it is important to remind yourself frequently. The road to financial freedom has many ups and downs, good years and bad years, happy days and bad days. If you remember the why, the how does not matter. At least it doesn’t for those who have achieved their goals.This theory, by the way, holds true in business and life in general. It is what creates Olympic athletes, successful business leaders, great spouses and parents, etc. Those who have a relentless passion to succeed in order to fulfill their “why” are unstoppable. Discover your “why” and you have acquired the one, essential trait for becoming a self-made millionaire.


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